Is your predictive maintenance program setup like a rifle or a shotgun? Would you say it is well thought out and directed at a specific failure mode of a known risk or is it more of a shoot and scatter and see what I can hit approach?Over the last few years I have seen more sites that are the later more than the former. They hand out PdM tools to untrained or minimally trained technicians,...
Is Your Predictive Maintenance Program a Rifle or a Shotgun Approach?
Eruditio Gives Back: BEST Robotics Part 2
I still remember the first time I ever saw a robot; it was love at first sight. Fast forward from that experience to present day and my love for automation has only intensified. When given the opportunity to share that passion with the young people that hold the keys to our future, I made myself available. The name of the most recent event I attended is BEST, which stands for Boosting Engineering...
Five Whys and Wishbone: Program and Training Sponsorship
Over the years I have seen many sponsors give great supporting speeches but I have also noted a few that failed miserably along the way. Lets learn from them. One in particular was the kick off of a new root cause analysis facilitators program in a facility with a history of " flavor of the month" programs and lack luster performance. The "leader" did not attend the workshop because he was...
9 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Next Maintenance Conference
How to Ensure Your Attendance at A Conference Delivers An ROI
Maintenance, reliability, and asset management professional are constantly continuing their professional learning. This learning usually takes place at one of the numerous world-class conferences available across North America and internationally. These conferences allow professionals to observe and connect with the latest tools,...
Using Reliability Analysis to Determine Spares Stocking
Who Owns Equipment Reliability?
The Moving Target of Excellence
Why the End of the Maintenance & Reliability Journey Is Never Over
I am often asked, what is the benchmark for a particular KPI. At first, I would quickly answer the target from the SMRP Best Practices Guide. Depending on the organization and the maturity, I would either see their faces light up or see them shut down. If they shut down, what momentum was present, quickly vanished. If they were...
A Balanced Improvement Strategy
Facts and Statistics on Growth, Skills, Reliability, and Manufacturing
Nine "Ps" for Profitable Plant Reliability Improvement Efforts
So if you could sum up the common areas of focus during reliability improvement efforts what would they be?
The thought behind this blog post was if someone ask us what we are doing or what all is involved in a reliability improvement effort, how can we give them the scope in a concise, and memorable way. This could be used early on in the discovery or kick off phase to outline without...