Shon Isenhour
Recent Posts
Maintenance Planners: Are they focused on the future or pulled into the present? Their boss decides!
Are Your Reliability Efforts Haunted by the Lack of an Effective Plan?
Confucius say: Planning and Scheduling Cause Confusion
The topic of planning and scheduling and what each one means has been a big discussion point. The Chinese appear to have only one word that means both planning and scheduling but in reality everywhere I teach from Europe to the Middle East and all across the Americas there is confusion on the difference so today I thought I would share planning and then scheduling as the topic of the week....
Are You Forgetting Your Hard Earned Lessons? Could it cost you the war with your competitors?
This video shows what would have to be called a best practice in the world of archery and, for that matter, war, that was forgotten and lost over time. Lars Andersen has rediscovered the technique through careful study and practice. An archer with this skill set, as you will see, could devastate the competition and possibly change the outcome of both battles and wars. Take a look and then think...
Reliability Engineering: Glorious Work or Laborious Work?
FMEA: Its Not Just for Maintenance Anymore
Do You Need More Wedding Planning in Your Plant Outage?
So lets talk about really solid outage planning and scheduling. Not the half-hearten effort that I sometimes see organizations pass off as planning and scheduling, we want to see the good stuff.